January 29, 2007


**Oops, this was supposed to publish to Killer Passion today. Oh well, I'll post it there, too.**

As a writer I am constantly learning something new. Some days I learn about emotions or human traits, some days I learn a little more about craft. And then there are the days I learn about myself. I had one of those days, a few of them actually, just this past week. I received my edits for NOT WITHOUT RISK and discovered I have a favorite word. What do I mean by this? Simple, there is one word in the English language that I seem to be hung up on—one little word that I use over and over in my writing. It’s not a bad word, until it’s overused.

So I open the email from my editor and I think to myself, Hmmm, I swore I ditched my favorite word years ago. Not so, it seems, I just exchanged it for a new favorite word. This is not good.

Well, it’s good in the way that now I’ve been made aware of this trait and am correcting it. It’s good because as I slave over edits and the removal of this word in my manuscript, I watch NOT WITHOUT RISK become that much better a story for it. And it’s good because I have yet to turn in AFTER MIDNIGHT and so I can go through that manuscript and make corrections before it is turned in to my editor.

So, I’m off to work now, back to the edits. After all, there’s just a little over a month left before you can download NOT WITHOUT RISK. Pick it up from Triskelion Publishing, March 2007.

Sarah Grimm
hot sex and handguns